30 April 2009

Another day, another heartache

Well, one doctor finally put the word to paper re a diagnosis. Bi-polar it is, along with a healthy dose of ADHD, OCD and ODD. The other doctor wants to keep saying it is just the ODD and bad behavior choices.


So tell me--if she is bi-polar, then would that not in fact influence her behavior?

The adjustment on the one medication kind of helped, but not much. She is still a terror and still cannot connect her actions to how they are affecting the world around her. People shun her. She said that the class booed when she showed up one day last week because they "didn't like the drama" that she brings with her. One teacher just sits her in a corner and ignores her--oh, except to give her failing grades for not participating in class, although the teacher has previously FORBIDDEN her to participate.

We had a meeting at the school to maybe finally get her the extra help she needs to get by in school. But the kicker is that it can take up to six freakin' months for all the paperwork to get through the system. So, if they had done the paperwork at the beginning of the school year like I had been begging them to... Well, then maybe she would not have flunked this year (and yes, she has. School may not be out for another six weeks, but she does NOT have the credits in the required classes to move up.)

By then, we may have moved because my career still has to move on. Then it means starting all over. Home schooling would not help because she will not do her work when left to her own devices.

I can at least cheer that she will make it to school TWO days this week if she goes tomorrow. But she will have to, because she is spending the night with a friend who WILL be going and the mom is not going to let her hang out there. Two days this week, two days last week--she's setting a record! Now if she would do the work, too.

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