1) I don't know the people she went with. She took off with them before I got home from work. I gather there is a girl she was friends with from her previous school. So what? I've not met the girl or her family.
2) She was supposed to be home almost an hour ago. Of course, they are late and I am sure she is telling them that I am being stupid over her "being one second late". Yeah--when we have someplace to be in the morning, I do get "stupid" over things like that.
3) It was one of those "speaking in tongues, crying and screaming" type of churches that some of the people around here favor.
She's home now.
It is that last bit that makes me so mad. SHE is one of those people with an addictive personality. Take her to something novel like an evangelical church service and the next thing you know, she's seeing Jeebus in the rafters. As it is, she is talking about how cool it was and how everyone was like family to each other and she wanted to go again. Give her a little while to think about it and she will be demanding attendance at church every night and Bible readings constantly. That will go on until she finds something else to fixate on.
Except school... She has developed an almost pathological fear of going anymore and that is spelling trouble with a capital T for me. I am tired of getting phone calls and letters from her school threatening to "take further action" if HER attendance does not pick up. At this point, does it matter? They already indicated that they are going to flunk her anyway.
In other new: since my last entry, SHE decided on her own that she had ruined her hair with the dyes and the extension glue on top of the meds thinning out her hair. Her solution? Cut it all off two days before Christmas! She went nearly bald--maybe a quarter-inch left all around which revealed two really bald spots. So, instead of ruining her own hair with crap, she has a couple of wigs that she has "styled" to match what she did to her own before.
It has grown out a lot in the two months since she cut it and she looks like that girl who plays "Alice" in the new movie (Mia Wasikowska).
The short hair looks adorable on her, but she will not let anyone see it in public. Sooner or later, she is going to have to take off the wigs. One is getting pretty UGGH!!!l
I don't know anymore. My friends tell me I need to make a decision before I fall over from sheer exhaustion and stress. They see how hard it is to deal with all the stuff I have to and still manage to get through a day without a heart attack.
"A hard row" indeed... Know any good "special" boarding schools? Willing to chip in?
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