She spent the night in jail last night. The charge was domestic battery after she attacked me for not taking her to Walgreen's to buy something that she didn't need and could have waited for.
It was another weekend of her wandering off at random. First she took off with BFF's family to go watch a cheerleading competition. After that, she went to the teen center on base to hang out with friends. Those two things caused her to miss a therapy appointment. Not good.
You would think a military base would be safe for her, right? Nope! She and her friends promptly left the teen center and were wandering around in the dark after curfew. When I finally tracked her down, she TOLD me she was spending the night with said friends and refused to get in the car. I finally just left her there and told them all they needed to go straight home or the military police would be picking them up.
Next morning, when I went to get her, she asked to go to the mall with those friends because her favorite store was closing and they were selling everything for 25¢ apiece. I only said OK because she swore her friends had their own money. Yeah, right... Both girls' fathers are MSGTs in the AF making close to $5000 or more a month and neither seemed to have their own money. Again, guess who got stuck paying to feed them? As the day wore on, she was transitioning from the Krissy part to the Danya part of herself. And Danya was being a real bitch. At one point she demanded, in the middle of the Food Court, that I hand over my debit card so she could go shopping. REALLY?!?! It was obvious her friends were visibly embarrassed to be near her at that point.
When we finally left the mall to drop her friends off, one girl asked the other about going to church. Danya demanded to go, too. I gently tried to deter her from pushing the issue by hinting to the girl that she needed to tell Danya it was a special thing for military kids only or something. Finally, the girl got the hint and said that she didn't think they were going because her dad had said her mom wasn't feeling good and didn't want to go. Bullet dodged!
But wait! Danya, not to be deterred, texted one of her hoodlum friends to come over in the pouring rain with a promise that I would take her home. I ended up feeding this one, too. What angered me was that they went into the kitchen, opened two packs of Ramen noodles, then left them open on the counter and opened up two cans of ravioli. Never even bothered to put the noodles in a baggie or anything! It took forever to get the hoodlum out of my house to take home and that one had the nerve to tell her mother she was late because I "made [them] wait while I watched something on the Oscars". I almost turned and slapped her, but chewed her out where her mother could hear me because I had been telling them for over half an hour to get moving. Danya's fault, because she tells people to just ignore me because I don't really mean it and I'm just trying to get rid of them.
Anyway, got Hoodlum Girl home and then Danya started demanding I take her to Walgreen's to buy her a bunch of stuff. Considering that I had already informed her and her internal buddies that the ATM was closed for the duration, I was pissed. I had already chewed her out about the money that she thinks I should spend on her friends because they are "poor"--like we aren't? We just get by with the utility increases, premium increases, gas and food increases and I cannot afford to subsidize the entire neighborhood. Yet not a day goes by that she is handing out our stuff like I'm Bill Gates' secret mistress and have access to his bank account (and we know that ain't true--Melissa Gates would have killed me long before now).
Now, every time Danya hears me tell her there isn't any more money for crap spending, she starts calling me a liar and tries to get at my purse. She tried this time, too, so I slapped her on her arm. She punched me back. I told her to get out of the car, but then changed my mind because I didn't feel like going to jail for dumping her in the rain. She got meaner and meaner, slapping at me and calling me names. It was at that point, I think the Beast took over.
By the time we got home, the Beast was in "control", biting, kicking and hitting at me as I tried to get her into the house. She was doing her damnedest to push me off the porch, kicking me in the knees, which are already in bad shape due to a work injury. I managed to get her into the laundry room, but then she started kicking and punching more. I tried to fight back, but she knocked me backwards into a bookcase and then jumped me. At that point, I did what the doctor told me to do in cases like this and called 911 so they would take her in to the psych ward for evaluation. Bad advice!
When the cops got there, she had locked the deadbolts and wouldn't open the door. By then, I had a huge knot on my head and was pretty woozy. The cops got her to open the door and walked through our pigsty of a house (The Beast has trashed it like you would not believe). After interviewing both of us, one of the officers marched her out the door, patted her down and cuffed her. Now, all this time, I had been asking them to do what my doctor told me to ask them but the one cop said they had to take her to Juvie because she assaulted me. That is NOT what I was told would happen. I just wanted her taken in for evaluation, not to be arrested. Meanwhile, despite my repeated warnings, the damned cops left the door open and the cat that got out before got out again. Only this time, we can't find him.
Anyway, she was booked, spent the night in jail (luckily, I was able to make sure they put her in a single cell instead of in the dorm because of her illness) and the case was adjudicated as "time served". When I picked her up, she was sullen and again promised to never love me again. Like she has ever loved anyone other than herself... So instead of the evaluation demanded and that should have been provided by law, she now has a record and a bigger internal problem than before.
The "system" told me to put her in the hospital myself. That would be nice, except that even with two insurances that are supposed to cover 100%, the secondary one from Mississippi (BCBS) refuses to even cover the co-pays billed after the primary pays its share. I can't get the secondary to talk to me because the policy is not in my name.
And here I am... I have a nutjob to deal with, insurance that may as well not exist (but that WILL be fixed, even if it means a return to court), a concussion and a jaw that feels as if it has been slammed by a tire iron (I had to waste a perfectly good sick day on actually being sick). Danya and the Beast have retreated to their dark corners of her mind and Krissy seems to be in the house for now. Hopefully, tonight will be peaceful (relatively speaking). I doubt it, though. She invited more strays over to hang out. One went home already, but the other is still here.
The way stuff disappears around here when her "friends" are around, I'll have to count the silverware again.
Picture from Rick Albertson's blog: http://compellingvisualstories.blogspot.com/2006/04/angel-behind-bars-antiqua-guatemala.html
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